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Gitlab CI

Below you can find the official README of our dedicated Gitlab CI template.

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Run Pluralith in Gitlab CI to automate your infrastructure documentation and save your team hours of busy-work. Pluralith posts a diagram of your infrastructure as a merge request comment. It also keeps a history of all changes made to your infrastructure which you can access at any time.

Pluralith diagrams also aggregate a variety of relevant data into the visual:

  • Change Highlighting
  • Drift Detection & Highlighting
  • Cost Data (via Infracost)
  • Compliance Data (coming soon)

The Result

See this merge request for a real life example

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get Pluralith running in your Gitlab CI workflow:

  1. Set PLURALITH_API_KEY and PLURALITH_PROJECT_ID as CI/CD variables. You can get your API Key and Project ID through the Pluralith Dashboard.
  2. Set credentials for the providers of your choice as CI/CD variables (e.g. for AWS set AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY).
  3. Set a GITLAB_TOKEN as a CI/CD variable so Pluralith can post merge request comments. (Requires the api scope enabled to be able to read and write comments on merge requests)
  4. Create a new .gitlab-ci.yml file in your repo and copy the below example into it:
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'

name: node:latest
entrypoint: [""]

.setup-terraform: &setup-terraform
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y gnupg software-properties-common curl
- curl -fsSL | apt-key add -
- apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main"
- apt-get update && apt-get install terraform
- cd $TF_ROOT
- terraform init

.setup-pluralith: &setup-pluralith
- curl | sh

.init: &init
- pluralith init --api-key=$PLURALITH_API_KEY --org-id=$PLURALITH_ORG_ID --project-id=$PLURALITH_PROJECT_ID --project-name=$PLURALITH_PROJECT_NAME

.run: &run
- pluralith run --title=$TITLE --version=$VERSION --show-changes=$SHOW_CHANGES --show-drift=$SHOW_DRIFT --show-costs=$SHOW_COSTS --cost-mode=$COST_MODE --cost-period=$COST_PERIOD --export-pdf=$EXPORT_PDF

.comment: &comment
- compost autodetect update

- *setup-terraform
- *setup-pluralith
- *init
- *run
- *comment
# - - Terraform - -
TF_ROOT: terraform/application # Your Terraform project directory
TF_VERSON: 1.0.0 # Your preferred Terraform version (Note that Pluralith requires at least v0.15.3)
# - - Credentials - -
PLURALITH_PROJECT_ID: $PLURALITH_PROJECT_ID # ID of the project this run should be posted to
GITLAB_TOKEN: $GITLAB_TOKEN # For merge request comments the 'api' scope is required
# Set credentials for your cloud provider below (Example: AWS)
# - - Diagram - -
# Set your diagram details below, these will determine how the final diagram looks
TITLE: "Gitlab Demo" # Only relevant if EXPORT_PDF is true -> Custom title to be used for locally generated PDF
VERSION: "0.0.1" # Only relevant if EXPORT_PDF is true -> Add version string to locally generated PDF
SHOW_DRIFT: "false"
SHOW_COSTS: "false" # Only relevant if infracost is set up
COST_MODE: "delta" # Only relevant if infracost is set up
COST_PERIOD: "hour" # Only relevant if infracost is set up
EXPORT_PDF: "false"
  1. That's it! Create a merge request and see the magic happen in its comments!

To get cost information in your diagrams Infracost needs to be set up in your pipeline.